#MarriageEquality passes in Australia!

๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŽ‰ WE HAVE MARRIAGE EQUALITY!!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

Eat shit Lyle Shelton!!!

โค๏ธ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ LOVE WINS!!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿงกโค๏ธ

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Yet another person’s feelpinions on the WPA2 vulnerability.


I’ve had a rant on social media about this, now it’s time to collect that information somewhere a bit longer lasting. There’s a lot of FUD about #KRACK or #WPA2KRACK, the Key Replacement AttaCK affecting WPA2, so I thought I’d share some thoughts on it.

The most important thing people need to know is, there’s not actually much you need to do or worry about. Follow current best practises, and you should be fine. Nothing much should really change for most people.

The basic summary of what has happened is, most WiFi networks are protected by WPA2-PSK or WPA2-Enterprise. As of today, WPA2 can now be cracked. Network traffic on WPA2 protected networks can be read and have data injected in to it. A lot of FUD news articles will be telling you to panic and all WiFi in itself is broken. In the wise words of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, don’t panic. WiFi itself isn’t broken. Continue reading

Today is National #GetaVPN day.

Today (13th of April 2017) the national Metadata retention laws come in to place, which require Australian ISP’s and Australian service hosting providers to retain all metadata for 2 years, accessible by various approved (seemingly randomly) departments without a warrant.

I say it seems random as the approved list has included various (but not all) local councils. What would they need ISP metadata for? Continue reading

On Wikileaks CIA leak.

It may just be my own Twitter echo chamber (ie, a case of who I follow more than anything else), but my Twitter feed this morning has been going nuts about the latest WikiLeaks leaks about CIA hacking data. I wanted to say something about it without doing stupidly long tweet-stories, so I thought Iโ€™d give Medium a go.

Itโ€™s all a much of nothing.

The three main points of focus in most articles. a) CIA attacked SmartTVโ€™s for recording audio. b) Encrypted communications apps are all open because the CIA have methods to get OperatingSystem level access to SmartPhones. c) Theyโ€™re โ€œholding exploits openโ€. Continue reading

#nymwars I’ve had my FB account closed for using the name I am known by in real life.

Hello, my name is ...Even before the initial #nymwars debacle sparked off over at Google+, I’ve known Facebooks’s “real” names policy. I always found it amusing that people were getting so upset at G+, but saying nothing about FB whose policies were worse. I didn’t say much about it at the time because I wasn’t a prominent member of the protests/complaints.

Throughout #nymwars I refused to change from my nym, even if it meant not using G+ – a service I was at the time very excited about. Now it’s over, Google relented about 9 months later and allowed nyms, but I still don’t use it. It’s too late.

And now I’ve fallen victim to FB’s “real” names policy for a second time. Continue reading

I actually accomplished something this year. That’s new.

LearSportTR3240This blog post is a follow-up to my blog post from March, โ€œBack on yer bikeโ€.

I purchased my current bike in 2006.ย  At the time I was living in Chatswood and intended to get fit enough to ride to work in North Sydney.ย  That went well for a few months, unfortunately a month after buying the bike my company purchased another company, and decided to merge & move to the city.ย  Riding to North Sydney was already enough of a challenge for a very unfit me who hadn’t exercised since leaving school 10 years earlier.ย  That extra distance was a bit too far a bit too soon for me (especially the climb from Milsons Point station to the top of Miller St for the trip home in the evenings), and so the towel was thrown in and the bike had its first extended stint in the garage.ย  3 months and unknown kmโ€™s traveled, but if I recall correctly it was less than 200km. Continue reading

Internet is monetising lies?

DianeI’m seeing this article everywhere today, especially in skeptic circles.ย  It seems like every man, woman, miscelaneous, and their dog in the skeptic circles I follow are sharing it and adding comment “I’M SMRTR THAN THAT AN U SHUL B TOO1~”.

Let me just remind you of a little saying that’s also popular in the skeptic circles.ย  “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”.ย  Continue reading

More mistreatment of live animal exports.

New footage has emerged of sheep exported live to Jordan being mistreated.

Tony Abbott practicing for the triathlon inside parliament.

Tony Abbott practicing for the triathlon inside parliament.

Remember, Tony Abbott in his election campaign promised to apologise to Indonesia, Jordan etc for Australia halting live animal exports after they mistreated the animals in violation of agreements. He also promised he’d then increase the rates at which animals get exported live to these countries.

barnaby joyceBarnaby Joyce, at the bottom of the article linked to claims that the sheep in the video aren’t being treated the way the sheep in the video are being treated.ย  Although he doesn’t say it so blatantly, instead he chooses to use doublespeak or at the very least something rather similar to doublespeak. Continue reading

Abbott’s expense “drama”. Just stop. It’s a non-story. #auspol

Tony Abbott practicing for the triathlon inside parliament.

Tony Abbott practicing for the triathlon inside parliament.

I too loathe Abbott, it depresses me that the people of this country were stupid enough to vote him in (or as many excuse it, by voting Labor out at the unfortunate expense of voting Abbott in despite when I query them further about specifics they almost always concede that a good job was in actual fact done by Labor).

BUT … Continue reading

Election 2013 – like spam, only worse. #AusPol #AusVotes

My apologies to anyone who is sick of the election coverage and want anything election related out of their news feed, but I must have this little rant/whine.

This really has been the most disgusting election campaign I have ever seen.ย  Both parties are doing what they can to appeal to the absolute lowest of lowest common denominators. And you know what the worst thing is? They may actually have a point with their strategies. Hear me out. Continue reading